Once you've tried it, you won't want to change
L-protection® is a revolutionary puncture-resistant high tenacity fabric insole. The ultra lightweight material offers comfort, flexibility and protects 100% of the entire surface of the sole of the foot not possible with rigid steel plates, which only protects approximately 85% of the sole of the foot.

Resisting Perforation
The L-protection® research process is aimed at creating composite textile insoles capable of resisting accidental perforation by nails and other objects, even of small diameter.

Soft and Flexible
Footwear created with L-protection® non-metallic anti-perforation insoles is soft and extremely flexible, permitting increased contact with ground surfaces, thereby reducing the risk of accidental slippage.
Meramec Group is the exclusive supplier of this material sold in the USA, Canada and mainland China. We have the supply sources to meet your needs. All L-protection® products are produced under the strict license and quality control standards of Lenzi Egisto SPA . Lenzi Egisto invented L-protection® and has many patents pending on the product. GVT is the only factory in Asia that produces authentic L-protection anti-perforation textile. Click for English brochure PDF or Chinese PDF or visit www.gvtextiles.com.